miércoles, 7 de abril de 2010

Building a dream of future

Amurang foundation in Holland is not only building a new school but also developing educative projects and supporting the future of these kids with scholarships from kinder garden to University level. Children have now the opportunity of a high education to contribute peacefully to the development of this part of the world, being educated to be capable of dealing and facing conflicts between religions or ethnical problems.
"If peace is both the destination and the journey then what we teach and how we teach it must not be separated in our preparations for working with pupils."
- Patrick Whitaker
Peace must be understood not only as the absence of traditional forms of direct violence, but also as a positive presence. Educating for and about all aspects of peace constitutes PEACE.

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi all

    my name is Sagra and I´m writing from another place in conflict: Palestine

    Totally agreed with what you are saying regarding peace. I really belive there is no way to change things but through education. and not only speaking about peace but also teaching in a different way, putting the stress on the process and not on the results, teaching how we should relate with others, teaching empathy, teaching all of us have the same rights regardless our ethnic, religion or sex.

    Education is the most powerful tool to get it, of course.

    i would like to add two issues to the debate:

    fist, when we speak about Education for peace, we have to be clear there is no way to change the vision if we don´t speak about the past. I mean, we can not speak about peace from zero, taking as starting point the present moment. We should look back and try to understand the roots that provocated the conflicts and the reason why people are willing to kill other people. In my opinion, it´s a matter of peace but also of justice. if we don´t do this exercise of revision, the same conflicts can be explode in future times.

    Second, when we speak about peace we should understand the holictic meaning of the word and peace means not only a global peace but also to live in peace with ourselves, firstly,and with the people who are closer to us, secondly. Only changing our nearest context we will be able to contribute to the global peace

    That´s all for now from Palestine



  2. Thank you Sagra!!
    I have to say that I come here with lots of role plays to practice English but focused on Peace Education. After three days I realized they are the ones who can teach about peace.
    They had to leave their home in Poso (center of the island) some years ago. They lived there a terrible conflict between religions, their house and church was burned and the people who helped them were killed. They did not retaliate or respond with violence to that act, they took the orphans and came here to build a new life peacefully providing a future and an education to those kids.
