I finally arrived in Amurang!!
Before anything, I would like to thank so much all the collaboration and the people and situations that drove me here. Chronologically:
1. To i-to-i TEFL course, where I met funny and nice people like Ritsko and Graeme. Two good friends from that weekend.
2. To RITSKO in particular, and in capital letters, for betting for me, encouraging me to come here with his project and organization
3. To Brechje and Gerrard that gave me in Amsterdam enthusiasm and energy through their experience to come here.
4. To the people in London who enjoyed and collaborated in the party for Amurang
5. To the University of Castilla La Mancha in particular, Chrissi Harris and Jesus Moya (English philology department) not only for contributing with didactic material for this project but also for their constant support.
6. To the school “Camino Real de Levante” for the solidarity of children and teachers.
7. To all those who gave something for the raffle and the party (the Spanish ham, sewing machine,…) and, of course, all those who came and participated.
8. To the pub “Bus” in Cuenca for allowing the celebration of the party and the raffle.
9. To the artist who designed the image of Kecil-kupu for this blog
9. And finally to Pastor Frans and Sister Pauline for sharing their space and life with me for a couple of months.